Heal From Within By Luisa Marin

See Luisa's 5-Star Reviews & Testimonials

“Luisa has done some work with me at a very pivotal moment when I was questioning myself and really looking for a way through my burn out, and so physical ailments. My gut was having issues. I was feeling constipated and clogged up. I was very tired, full of anxiety and Luisa came at the perfect time. I worked with Luisa and at the very first session, I don’t really know what it was that she did, but the energy in me shifted. I felt a lot lighter, a lot clearer and over the next few days I was in a place where I felt calm, collected, focused and driven”.

Nikhil Rugahni

CEO & Founder of Shot of Copy

"We cleared many things and processed anything that lingered from the past, fears & hurt. I don't understand how the healing to occur, just listened to some procedures and I am left feeling much lighter, cleansed from my past, and clear to move forward in what needs to be done."

Laurdes Crowly

Faster EFT Practioner, New York

I've seen so many specialists for so many symptoms and yet she was able to treat all areas as a whole. I could literally feel the energy moving through my body. I've had muscle tension in my neck and shoulders for years. I've tried everything from the chiropractor to cupping and after just one session the tension was gone and my range of movement improved! I'm feeling more energized, less foggy & more like myself. It truly is amazing what she can do!".

Elynore Basso

Business Owner, New York

“I was recommended to Luisa by a very powerful healer so I knew I was in good hands. Her method was so different in that it didn't feel invasive. She had the ability to create this space for you to unwind and really dive deep while not feeling judged. She really helped me to understand eczema in very practical way"

Brionne Tripp

Sucess Review

“I had an amazing session with Luisa. She knew me better than I knew myself. I didn't have to say much during the session. I've always struggled with communicating and voicing my opinion it was like she knew me. She's just so intuitive that she exactly what i needed for my session. It was incredible and I just can't wait to have more sessions with Luisa".

Aleia Marie

Business Owner, California

“She has helped me remove toxins from my body, pathogens, and release old emotions. She has helped me with insomnia & chronic fatigue. MAP and body code really reprograms your entire body”

Lisa Lipedusi

Special Education Teacher, New York

Luisa is by far the most intuitive and skilled quantum energetic practitioner I have ever worked with (I’ve worked with dozens.) Here are some of the results I’ve achieved…which I attribute directly to working with her: -Higher income (self limiting beliefs dissolved) -Clarity/Focus (previously too many directions) -Dissolution of generational fear which led to a regulated nervous system -A full of embracing of my femininity and womanhood I can go on and on. If you are STUCK in any way shape or form, Luisa will get to the root of WHY and kick the patterns out the door. Book your appointment now. You will love HER and what she CAN DO FOR YOU. I guarantee you results.

Jeniffer Crespo

Self Relationship Strategist Coach, Florida

I’ve worked with Luisa on and off for the past 6 years. She is one of the most powerful healers I have worked with. Over the years she has incorporated new healing modalities in our sessions. She creates a container for her clients that is safe, non-judgmental, and deeply effective. She is able to help initiate subtle shifts in our bodies that leads to profound change. I have seen huge changes in myself after working with her. I find myself feeling lighter, clear headed and generally happier. Luisa helps release all the things from the past that no longer serve. I am able to figure out what I really want out of life now that I don’t have so much trauma sitting in my body. And it’s all done in the comfort of my own home! I am very grateful to Luisa and will continue my work with her for the years to come.

Elizabeth Morley

Yoga Instructor & Wellness Practioner, New York

I had several proxy/remote sessions with Luisa. After just one session I was able to feel relief from the emotional trauma left behind by my recent divorce. I can’t believe that when I now think about that whole experience, I no longer want to cry nor do I feel the anger and hatred I previously felt. I am calm, I feel peace in my body and I am ready for what lies ahead. I only wish I had started my sessions with Luisa sooner!

Alejandra Franco, Ecuador

Business Owner

In just one session Luisa was able to help me overcome the crippling anxiety I've had for week that was giving me insane back and shoulder pain, headaches, shortness of breath, and also making it impossible for me to get work done and to even do the smallest of things. I don't have the words to describe how grateful I am that Luisa introduced me to her methods and I look forward to continue to heal with her help :)

Luisa Barrios, Colombia

Graphic Designer

“Through Luisa'a proxy/remote sessions, I recognized the difference it made in my emotional and physical health right after the very first session. Her extensive knowledge of nutrition has also educated me and helped guide me through my own journey toward optimal health and well-being. Her kind and peaceful nature put me at ease with every session. Referring her work to my family and friends has also made a huge impact on my loved ones emotionally and physically. I look forward to continued health as a whole with Luisa as my Holistic Practitioner.”

Laura Fontanez

Caregiver, New Yorl

I took several sessions from Luisa and it has helped me a lot in these past few months, both physically and mentally. I have become more self-confident and have started to express my emotions better. My friends and family say they have noticed a positive change in my behavior. I was also a very fearful person. I was extremely scared of dogs and fire. Now I am able to play with dogs and light matchsticks with ease. I would also like to mention that she has helped me with the regularity of my menstrual cycle. I am really thankful for how she uses her methods. After 12 years, I am finally experiencing hassle-free periods!”

Vidula Khera, India

Graphic Designer 

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